D3 Training

D3 Training is an innovative new programme designed to support continuous learning.  Targeted training is delivered using content tuned to the needs of the individual and the organisation.  The frequency of delivery ensures the right training is delivered at the right time, with opportunities to receive near real-time skills-training delivered online in the form of live web sessions plus additional supporting resources accessible via an online learning zone.   

 D3 is a training programme, not a consulting activity, and the focus is on learners acquiring new skills.  However, it is more consultative than traditional training schedules and it allows for training needs to be identified and addressed continuously and in a timely manner. 

 To maximise benefit from any training investment it is necessary that: 

D3 Training is designed to meet these criteria


Develop focusses on developing bite-sized training content to meet specific learning goals.  The relevance of the content is enforced by the use of case studies and exercises that are directly applicable to the organisation.  


How does it work? What’s the format?

The D3 format is to deliver 90 minutes of training monthly (for 9 months of the year).  An additional 90 minutes of online workshop sessions are also conducted.  Workshop sessions provide mentoring and guidance to reinforce learning; the workshops focus on primarily on subjects taught in the prior training session, but the scope of workshops is not limited to this. 

Are there any pre-requisites?

The “bite-sized” training format is suitable for well-defined topics but in order to build a strong foundation the learners first need to have undertaken the Introduction to JMP training course, or have equivalent experience.

How does remote learning work?

Training and mentoring sessions are delivered live, using either MS-Teams, Zoom, or Goto Meeting.  Learners receive a subscription to an online learning environment where they have access to course materials and video recordings.  The learning environment also provides access to detailed case study scenarios that are used during the mentoring sessions.

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